Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kenya- we've arrived

Yesterday me, Molli, Allie, and Jill arrived in Nairobi!!  So far we have been to kazuri beads- which is a organization that employs women and makes beads from clay, was super neat. Today we headed to hashes, a home for handicapped children. The  mothers of the children work to make jewelry and other accesories to sell and their children receive care, therapy, and special education. The vision is to teach these children who are outcasts and ugly in the worlds eyes that God made them beautiful and perfect. What an amazing ministry. After that we headed to Amani ya just- which in Swahili means Peace from above. It is an organization for women specifically widows and refuges where they work and make incredible things- quilts, jewelry, scarves, clothes, purses, etc etc etc. everything they make is AmAZING!! They sell product in the USA and Canada and their product is becoming widespread. it is unique, intricate, and lovely; they hand dye and sew everything. I will post the link for their website later. Tomorrow we head to Eldoret, a city up north, we will be spending some time volunteering at an orphanage there. Anyways will update again in a few days! Thank you all for ur prayers we have def felt them and already had some God moments.

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